Sunday, May 23, 2010


Give me freedom. Not the freedom to kill the masses. Not the freedom to sleep around with every one. Not the freedom to loot people. The freedom to be myself. The freedom to be unkempt. The freedom to wear torn and worn out clothes. The freedom to keep my hair messy. The freedom not to do my privates. The freedom to get loads of tattoos done. The freedom to lie down on the floor. The freedom to fart loud. The freedom to nose prick at work. The freedom to drool while sleeping. The freedom to sweat like a priest in a playground and stink like a poop-eating pig. The freedom to suck the chocolate ice cream cone till I have had enough. The freedom to lick my fingers after a happy meal. The freedom to talk to strangers. The freedom to say " I do" when asked if I booze. The freedom not to keep up to the curfews. The freedom to cry watching even "American Pie". The freedom to be a hardcore emo. The freedom to live penniless. The freedom to be schizophrenic. The freedom to wear the rainbow colours all at once. The freedom not to be smart. The freedom not to get things done by taking advantage of others. The freedom not to butter up. The freedom not to get buttered up. The freedom not to do sweet talking. The freedom not to ass lick. The freedom not to follow any etikutti oops etiquette. The freedom to unbelong.The freedom to speak what I believe. The freedom to talk nonsense. The freedom not to make any sense at all. The freedom to hold his hands in public. The freedom to smooch him before brushing teeth. The freedom to coochie coo (to a certain extend or read cuddle)in public. The freedom to love like never before. The freedom not to bow my head before anyone. The freedom to have an ego twice my size. The freedom to be imperfect. The freedom to be insane. The freedom to get drenched in rain and walk around in wet clothes. The freedom not to give a damn to people who stare. The freedom to ogle. The freedom to lust after chicks while not changing the orientation.The freedom to be called a half crack or even a total crack. The freedom not to go to funerals. The freedom not to fake praying. The freedom not to go to church. The freedom to ask forgiveness for looking at Jesus Christ's torso. The freedom to be human. And the freedom to write for myself, not for others. The freedom to write for pleasure, not for a living.

Take my money, if any. Take my name, even though it is bad. Take my love, well not him. But give me freedom. I will give up all the fortunes I have. I will kill myself. But don't take away my freedom for all I have is freedom at the end of the day. But remember, you can't take away my freedom. Because I am slaved to freedom.


  1. you are granted all the freedom dear, jus do it...
    the only thing worth listening to is ur heart!

  2. good one ..your getting better each day...keep it up :)
